29 February 2008


Taken at West Coast Park.

Was inspired to post these pics after watching 子干大哥's video on sunset.
Check it out at his blog "子时干啥".

Thought of having a picnic at West Coast Park and watching the sunset....
anyone keen on this?

Captured this outside my house....
like a gigantic egg yolk....
sun rays so powerful!

Yoga@Botanical Garden

Seems easy, right?..try it out at home.... to practise concentration
Though simple, some beginners find it hard to stay in balance...

oops.... going to lose the focus..
falls, falling, fallen... loses, losing, lost....
finally, can stay in this pose for 5 secs....

try out outdoor yoga... the air is fresh and u can hear the nature singing.....

will let u guys know when there's another session... must wait till my hand recovers too..







Dressed up Pinkie Cab

25 February 2008


远处看见耀眼的Romantic Pink,应该就是你了!

果然是你!SHB1808A。。。新加坡独一无二的Pink London Cab.


还是那个可爱的 Uncle。(让我去找出我的结婚照。。。)

24 February 2008

Butterfly Girl

Guess who she is? It's her album cover.... 《我知道我不够漂亮》

Yes, it's her, 陶晶莹,Matilda Tao, my favourite Taiwanese host. Been watching her entertainment news since I was schooling.
Like her wits and humour.

She doesn't have perfect features like Patty Hou 侯佩硶,but she makes an effort to accentuate her inner and outer beauty.
She has a famous quotation "世上没有丑女人,只有懒女人"。

I like to watch her host all types of show, esp talkshow with artistes, cos she's very REAL. She's trying for a second child this year... hope she's successful. All the way, Tao Zi... I'm your loyal viewer.


30 -chronological age

26 - biological age

infinity - spiritual age

Age is a numerical figure and has a limit, whereas our spiritual life is endless and knows no boundaries.

I'm grateful to all the people who have helped me in one way or another throughout my thirty years. Thanks for the valuable life lessons that you have given me.

Celebrating with my ex-schmates/best frens Baolian, Yueying & Zhaoqing at Menotti, Raffles City.

Thanks to S4 for celebrating with me in advance and thanks for the lovely watch!

2008 鱼生三部曲 Part 3

Part 3: 元宵大团圆

21 Feb, 十五@ My parent's place
Gathering with relatives

Cousin's kids: Liyan, Xixi, Zhixuan, Vera, Junxiang
Happy Family of YenNing & CheeWee

2008鱼生三部曲 Part 2

Part 2: 心想是城

20 Feb, 初十四@
Japanese Restaurant, Novena Square

S4 Gathering with Veon, Ellie, Doris, Huishi, Chris & Sharon + 城城(在我们心中)

Thanks for celebrating my birthday in advance!

2008鱼生三部曲 Part 1

Part 1:马到成功

初三@My Place

From Left to right: Peiling, Shiyan, Liyan, Josephine, Guomin, Zhiyang, Yihui & Meiqi

(8 horsies,very auspicious! even though we 犯太岁this year, I believe everyone will have a great year ahead and have 贵人相助!)

We are a bunch of Crescentians and River Valleyers (hehe..what should it be?) who met at NJC in 1995...that's 13 years ago! Friendship forever! This is our annual CNY gathering... Cuixia, Victor and Meiyue are absent that day...

20 February 2008


谢谢您带给我们的欢笑!Thanks for the memories!




18 February 2008

Beautiful Love ~ Beautiful Girl

Was watching S-POP on TV just now and heard Tanya (蔡健雅)singing "Beautiful Love".
The lyrics is indeed beautiful and touching...
Love's beautiful so beautiful
我失去过 更珍惜拥有
多庆幸我是我 被你疼爱的我
紧紧牵住的手 不要放手 永远守护我
Love's beautiful so beautiful
我很快乐 你会了解我
我不会再哭泣 是因为我相信
我们勇敢的爱着 每秒钟 都能证明 一生的美丽

Suddenly my favourite singer's song crossed my mind... just like a butterfly...
1991- so innocent, doe-eyed 'boy'
2008 - with Butterflies on his head, hehe...
Beautiful girl在心的那边
Beautiful girl如果真有缘

Beautiful girl在心的那一边

Wanna be nostalgic & go back to the early 90's? Click to see the MTV..

17 February 2008

Our Breath as Focus

Our Breath As Focus
One of the disadvantages of living in such a stimulation-rich world is our loss of focus.

In an environment where we are consistently being bombarded with messages, worries, judgements, deadlines and so on, it's very easy for us to lose touch of what's truly important to us.

Have we been influenced, or "brain-washed" to live lives that we don't really find fulfilling, simply because we've been told to, people expect us to, or which we've been conditioned to believe is good or right?

Are you continuing in an unrewarding, dead-end job because you think you need the money? Are you in a relationship because you can't bear being alone?

Do you try to accommodate everybody's desires because you think that makes you more likeable?

Do you speak, behave, dress or even think in a certain way because it presents the least amount of resistance?

Do you even ask yourself what you truly want anymore?

Stuart Wilde, noted author of "The Winds of Change", tells us of what he terms 'the tribe'.

We all belong to a tribe, so to speak - a group of peers that we can relate to in some way or other. We may be single, a father, Hindu, Eurasian, a sales executive, a daughter, a member of a certain church, a teacher, a politician, and so on.

And each group we belong to dictates, to a certain extent, what we will think, what we will wear, where we are to live, how we make a living.

It will try to keep us in a tidy little box.
Being part of the human tribe keeps us all working very hard just to make a living, while media messages keep our minds directed at purchasing.

As a result, what happens to the bulk of our hard-earned savings?

Yes, you guessed it. It goes into stuff we don't really need.
Stuff that doesn't fulfill us on a deeper level.
One good and simple way for us to connect and grow with our inner self is through the breath. The breath is vital to your life.

Breath is used to relax the body and mind, to take us to a high state of peace, to change our energy, our outlook, and thus our experiences.
Let's say that your spouse comes home after a bad day at work.
You only got home not long before yourself.
Your loved one does not seem so loving, and responds curtly to you. What do you do? Your day wasn't any easier. Do you jump into the tension of the situation? Or do you take a moment to breathe, re-focus your energy and create a better environment?
There is always a chance to change - to make a different choice.

By consciously taking a breath and focusing on it, your mind gets a moment to refresh.

By using your breath as a focusing tool, rediscover what it truly means to be you, to live and to love.
[extracted from A Slice of Life on 93.8FM]

What a Wonderful World!

A picture speaks a thousand words.

The air is like a butterfly
With frail blue wings
The happy earth looks at the sky
And sings.

Joyce Kilmer (1886 - 1918) US poet "Joy"

16 February 2008

How to get organised

Get Organised
Some people thrive in chaotic conditions. You know, the ones who seem to be able to retrieve the document they need from the piles and heaps on their desks.

For the rest of us though, working or living in a cluttered, disorganized environment can be very stressful.
Are you overwhelmed by your office? Paralysed by paper? Is your desk a disaster area?

Are you doing anything about the situation?

Spring cleaning once or twice a year doesn't count.
Clutter causes a life full of stress, frustration, and chaos, not to mention precious wasted time.

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reported that the average executive loses "six weeks per year" retrieving misplaced information from messy desks and files.

The cost in lost productivity and salaries is enormous.

Many small businesses spend more time dealing with piles of papers then growing the business.
By taking firm action to get organized, you will experience less stress and frustration, have more time in your life, gain control over your day, experience increased job satisfaction, and be a happier person.
Very often the biggest challenge to get organized is simply finding somewhere to start. When you are totally overwhelmed by clutter, even this first step can be daunting. Here are some ideas for you to start with:
First, decide that you are going to do whatever it takes to bring more order and flow into your life. Be committed. You can start small - ease yourself into it!

Organise just one thing a day, or one thing a week. For example, this week, you could organise your computer files and next week, you could sort out a small drawer.

You will start to see results from clearing just one small area.

Remember that it takes 21 days to get into a new habit, so make sure that you take small, but consistent actions each day.

Next, block off a specific date and time to start organising your life. This is an appointment you cannot cancel and it will at least get you started.

If you are feeling particularly brave, a more drastic way to start would be to purge.

Grab a large trash bag, walk through your office or home and just be totally ruthless. Throw out everything you don't use, or give it away.

By doing this, you can free up a load of space very quickly!

Happy organising!
[Extracted from A Slice of Life on 93.8FM]

14 February 2008

Diet & Nutrition

A picture taken during my Diploma class.

Will we resort to this in the future? The portion of food we eat is controlled....

This is a test of self-discipline....i guess...

Anyone who wants a free Diet & Nutrition analysis, pls let me know...

EVE comes from BELIEVE

Hi everyone!

My personal blog starts on 14 feb 2008, 12:12am (Singapore time).
Happy Valentine's Day!
I love lotus flowers.
White symbolizes purity and encompasses all colours.
Lotus represents purity too.
Let us be as pure as water and lotus.....