27 December 2009
Counting down to the new decade!
09 October 2009
07 October 2009
06 October 2009
02 August 2009
Back to 1991
This recording in S'pore studio (it was called TCS then) is so classic and funny!
The dancers' steps are totally not synchronized with aaron's during 对你爱不完.
The part on 我是不是该安静地走开 was much better... realised that aaron is still as memerizing when singing emo songs even though he was lip-synching...heh..
01 August 2009
02 July 2009
A Slice of Life- Go with the Flow
So when life decides to throw a rock at us, like when we lose a job or partner, don’t lose heart. Don’t negatively judge events or circumstances that initially seem “bad” or “unfortunate”. Things don’t happen by accident, and mistakes or misfortunes are simply precursors for positive change.
We can’t control things like losing a job or losing a partner. Loss is essential for growth and survival. When we experience loss or some other stressful change in our lives, we can give in to negative feelings like anger, disappointment, self-pity, self-loathing, trepidation and fear. We can allow these emotions to strain our mind, effectively crippling its ability to discover viable solutions. We can imagine the worst, and let something that may not come to pass affect our present state of mind.
Or we can go with the flow of change. Some things in our lives have to go in order to make way for better things. The Universe has a way of nudging us along when we get too lazy, complacent or comfortable. Occasionally, it gives us a big shove. The Universe knows when stagnation is making us fat and feeble. It knows when something in our lives has to shift in order for us to continue growing. It then arranges for people and events to push us towards what we were meant to be.
Most people however, choose to resist or ignore the signs. They are so firmly embedded in the riverbed that they refuse to let the currents lift them away. The years go by, and along with them, a flood of lost opportunities… and the stubborn rocks are finally left buried under algae and dirt.
If you’ve recently lost your job, lost a partner or something you felt was valuable to you, think… Were you really happy with your job?
Did you put your dreams on hold because you were trapped in a wake up, go to work, go home, go to bed routine? Had you stopped growing in that job? Did nothing excite you anymore about your work? What about your ex-partner? Were you really good for each other? Or were you hanging on because you were afraid of being alone?
You didn’t have the time nor the nerve to go out and do what you really wanted to do. Well, now you do!
Go with the flow of change!
WRITTEN BY EUGENE LOH - 938LIVE, MediaCorp Radio Singapore (www.938LIVE.sg).
01 July 2009
今天是Michael Jackson逝世一周,感觉还是很惋惜,尤其读了那么多的媒体报道,每天从不间断。他的舞台服装理念确实影响Aaron很多,在每场演唱会中都会看到大胆的尝试。
28 June 2009
超越舞台,超越自我,一直是他的座右铭。这次反转舞台是他演唱会的另一个里程碑,为他前20年的演唱事业暂时划下美好的句点。旋转舞台真的很high,歌迷的情绪更high! 好喜欢舞台的灯光效果,让身穿黑白色的他更突出!当他演唱“唯一色彩”时,彩虹般的聚光灯实在好浪漫哦!Kudos to the sound & lighting crew!!
27 June 2009
MJ-inspired Performances




No one can replace MJ.
He has inspired and influenced many; Aaron Kwok being one of them. The first dance that Aaron performed during an audition was MJ's Moonwalk.
To Aaron's surprise, MJ even bought his first concert LD (Laser Disc) 1994 in Taiwan as the cover resembles MJ's image.
AK even has a song entitled "MJ" to pay tribute and expresses his admiration to his idol. The Chinese lyrics is as follow:
神 编出的舞步藉你的 拍子感公布你于那天
陪着Billie Jean起舞踏地连地也发光 万物因此倾倒
*重视你 欣赏你 由于爱你的所有歌
学习你 喜欢你 未管你有否整过鼻
重视你 才不管你 皮肤有染黑漂白么
做自己 不必理 人家说你的是和非 MJ
谁 想躲开报导想蒙面 面色猜不到你的爱憎 唯共黑猩猩倾诉但在旋律里讯息
重视你 欣赏你 由于爱你的所有歌学习你 喜欢你 未管你有否整过鼻
问什么 人家私秘 就等要唱歌的唱歌自问我 亦清楚你 才不要这么被提起
MJ's Mission Accomplished - Farewell
Aside from his well-synchronized dance steps, stunning costumes and controversial news, I do like his souls-warming and inspirational songs like "We are the World", "Heal the World" etc....
It was a pity that I did not get to see his live performance in Singapore. I remembered he came to hold a concert at National Stadium many many years ago... I guess this comeback concert in July has taken a toll on his health and stamina. He wanted to wow the crowd once again, but..... I can empathize deeply with his fans. It's definitely hurtful for them to lose their pop genius.
He was born to thrill, entertain, inspire and change the world. Now that his missions are accomplished, he has retreated to his planet Neverland where wonders of his legend continue.
He has done so much for the international showbiz in the past 40 plus years, now is the time to reminisce and recollect memories of him....
Farewell MJ...Live well in your world...
21 June 2009
“越红越好”篇 The Red Passion!
10 June 2009
08 June 2009
有别于之前在新加坡所举办的演唱会(应该有5场左右),这次的影响力(在我所认识的歌迷圈子里)最大!如果用测量地震震级的Ritcher Scale 来比喻,这次的震撼指数高达9.9级!这绝对是有迹可寻的,最重要是配合了天时、地利、人和!听我这个‘死硬城迷’ (die-hard fan) 一一道来!
1) 近距离的“风水”(果然“风”光明媚又差点被舞王的口“水”和汗“水”给喷到)位子让我们情绪高昂、心跳加速,尤其是站在不到1米的距离近看他自弹自唱,真的是值回$251的门票!(再多一场也没关系……)
2) “Aaron, Concert讲国语” - 虽然说距离、年龄和高度等不是问题,但是语言的障碍确实对观众的反应和投入感起着影响。这次全场80%以华语与观众交流,果然有‘笑果’,不但把全场逗得笑声连连,我们还不时成为他的语言老师,纠正发音,真的是太有参与感了!(他的华语绝对不像某杂志的黑玫瑰所写的那么考听力,我就是喜欢他半咸不淡的港腔华语,这才有特色嘛!)
3) 这场演唱会唤醒“沉睡已久”的歌迷最初的梦想、最单纯和真切的支持。许多歌迷在观看这场演出后非常感动和激动,就连不是歌迷的朋友也无法忘怀。再加上媒体的正面报道更是不得了!从来没有见过报章杂志如此一面倒地赞扬他的演唱会!标题不是“舞林王者 无人能及”、“舞林至尊 郭富城热力100分”就是“A Spectacular Spectacle”,果然是守得云开见月明!你的苦工、毅力、求新求变的态度和热忱是我们学习的榜样。
4) 当然要提一提主办机构,他们的确很用心地制作和宣传这场演唱会(跟前几次的organizers 相比),也要谢谢我们的联系人hs和其他S4成员帮我们订购这么好的位子!
04 June 2009
01 June 2009
Concert of the Century (in Singapore)!
30.05.09- This is the best and most spectacular concert that i've watched in my life!! I salute to you, the Supremacy of Showmanship! Lots to share..let my collect my thoughts and feelings... I'm still feeling so HIGH after Day 2!
24 May 2009
Butterfly love 王菲 《蝴蝶》
21 May 2009
18 May 2009
If We Hold on Together
I love the lyrics!
Heard this song when I surfed Shin's Cancer Blog. It was sang during her memorial wake. Very touching when the Breast Cancer Foundation members sang..... Found a pillar of strength when listening to this song....
Faith is so important, be it during ups or down...
If We Hold On Together, I Know Our Dreams will never die... Let's hold on to our beliefs and Live Believing......
COMPASS Award Presentation '09
Was invited to the COMPASS Award Presentation at Raffles City Convention Centre last nite and took some photos of the local celebs who won the awards.
Kit Chan - "Artistic Excellence Award" (Both Zhiyang and I were attracted by her X-factor and charm, she looks prettier in person)
JJ Lin - "Top Local Songwriter of the Year, Top Local Soundtrack, Top Local Chinese Pop Singer" (No wonder he's a hit locally and overseas... his boy-next-door image and talents are really USP of his singing career... All the way, JJ!)
Dick Lee - "Wings of Excellence Award"
Li Weisong - Top Local Chinese Song for "我怀念的" (i.e. he collected the most royalty fees for this song)
Xiaohan- Young Songwriter of the Year (this category is for songwriter aged 35 and below, she's just made it!)
Performance by Hong Junyang and singers from Touch Music (Ernest Chua + ?) to commemorate the works of late singer Huang Yuan Cheng (member of 水草三重奏)
It was my first time attending this event, and find that it's a music gathering for all music-lovers.... hope that friends who aspire to become lyricists and composers will hold on to their dreams and see ya at COMPASS award soon.....
16 May 2009