28 December 2008

疯狂的台北之夜~ 演唱会篇


一起疯狂· 一起分享· 一起追忆




演唱会前一直在猜想你会唱哪些国语歌,总算没有令我太失望,《查无此人》、《谁会记得我》、《等我回来》等都唱得丝丝入扣,只是如果再加上其他更旧的歌如《beautiful girl》、《情非得以离开你》、《梦难留》、《午夜的吻别》,那就更有惊喜了!
创下Guiness World Record 的450度旋转舞台,超炫的!为了你,门票也破了台湾演唱会门票的最高纪录!



20 December 2008


That was 15 years ago when I first visited Taiwan, oh my, it's double of my age! This country of freedom and friendliness is really a paradize for shopping, food, scenery, people-watching and stars-gazing!

Day1: 10 Dec 08 - Meeting Sharon, Doris, Huishi, Ellie & Veon at T3....

S4 approaching us....

Happy departing..

The first stop at Taipei is Shilin Night Market 士林夜市 and patronizing the famous Fried Chicken Chop!

Contented look 真的是‘鸡’不可失!没尝过就不算来过台北。

07 December 2008

My 1st DIY rhinestone iron-on shirt

Another 3 days to Taipei trip and 1 more week to watching Aaron's concert at Taipei Arena...Yeah!

Thanks to my S4 friends, esp Doris for helping to order the hot-fix rhinestone and Huishi for passing it to me..

So happy to have successfully ironed it on as it required some 'techniques', thanks to the instructions. I would want to order other designs and decorate my boring T-shirts to make it shiny*...hehe!

Before and After

30 November 2008







若有兴趣上这个课程,可到www.ci-ntu.com 下载详情。

10 November 2008



第一句:沒有一百分的另一半 只有五十分的兩個人

第二句:付出真心 才會得到真心 卻也可能傷得徹底
保持距離 就能保護自己 卻也註定永遠寂寞

第三句:通常願意留下來跟你爭吵的人 才是真正愛你的人

第四句:有時候 不是對方不在乎你 而是你把對方看得太重

第五句:冷漠 有時候並不是無情 只是一種避免被傷害的工具

第六句:如果我們之間有 1000 步的距離 你只要跨出第1步
我就會朝你的方向走其餘的 999 步

第七句:為你的難過而快樂的 是敵人 為你的快樂而快樂的 是朋友
為你的難過而難過的 就是那些 該放進心裡的人

第八句:就算是 believe 中間也藏了一個 lie

第九句:真正的好朋友 並不是在一起就有聊不完的話題
而是在一起 就算不說話 也不會感到尷尬

第十句:朋友就是被你看透了 還能喜歡你的人

我觉得第八句很有趣,人往往在相信时还会存有一点点怀疑。看来这是人性的弱点。当我们在说I believe you 时,是否在 lie 着对方呢?haha..that's the power of words!

02 November 2008

Precious & Present Moment

Cherish the precious moments in 2008 and live in the present moment....always feeling like "Top of the World"....

26 October 2008


Celebrated our beloved friend's birthday at hs's house with do, ee, vv, sh and a new friend (xiaomei who's only 20 yrs old). We watched his latest concert dvd and had a great time commenting on what he should sing and what he will say during his Taiwan concert etc.....haha! We should all be his producers instead....:)
The starry chocolate-cheese cake made by vv is yummy... *clap clap*

25 October 2008

Happy 1026!

Happy Birthday! 诞'城'快乐! See you in Taipei!

Why we should go home on time

Received this article from Ben, a good friend who always shares enlightening stories.... We should cultivate good working habits so as to be passionate about our work. Learn from the experts...
Mr. Narayana Murthy is undoubtedly one of the most famous person in India.
He is known not just for building the biggest IT Empire in India but also for his simplicity.
Almost every important dignitary visits InfoSys campus.
He delivered an interesting speech during an employee session with another IT company in India .
He is incidentally, one of the top 50 influential people of Asia according to an Asiaweek publication and also the new IT Advisor to the Thailand Prime Minister.

Extract of Mr. Narayana Murthy's Speech during Mentor Session:

I know people who work 12 hours a day, six days a week, or more.
Some people do so because of a work emergency where the long hours are only temporary.
Other people I know have put in these hours for years.
I do not know if they are working all these hours, but I do know they are in the office this long.
Others put in long office hours because they are addicted to the workplace.Whatever the reason for putting in overtime, working long hours over the long term is harmful to the person and to the organization.

There are things managers can do to change this for everyone's benefit.
Being in the office long hours, over long periods of time, makes way for potential errors.My colleagues who are in the office long hours frequently make mistakes caused by fatigue.
Correcting these mistakes requires their time as well as the time and energy of others.
I have seen people work Tuesday through Friday to correct mistakes made after 5pm on Monday. Another problem is that people who are in the office long hours are not pleasant company.
They often complain about other people (who are not working as hard); they are irritable, or cranky, or even angry.
Other people avoid them. Such behaviour poses problems, where work goes much better when people work together instead of avoiding one another. As Managers, there are things we can do to help people leave the office. First and foremost is to set the example and go home ourselves.
I work with a manager who chides people for working long hours.
His words quickly lose their meaning when he sends these chiding group e-mails with a time-stamp of 2am, Sunday.
Second is to encourage people to put some balance in their lives.
For instance, here is a guideline I find helpful:

1) Wake up, eat a good breakfast, and go to work.

2) Work hard and smart for eight or nine hours.

3) Go home.

4) Read the books/comics, watch a funny movie, dig in the dirt, play with your kids, etc.

5) Eat well and sleep well.
This is called recreating.

Doing steps 1, 3, 4, and 5 enable step 2.
Working regular hours and recreating daily are simple concepts.
They are hard for some of us because that requires 'personal change'.
They are possible since we all have the power to choose to do them.

Perhaps some people put in such long hours because they do not want to miss anything when they leave the office.
The trouble with this is that events will never stop happening.
That is life! Things happen 24 hours a day.

Allowing for little rest is not ultimately practical. So, take a nap.
Things will happen while you are asleep, but you will have the energy to catch up when you wake. Hence,

21 October 2008

Looking forward to Taipei Concert!

I'm counting down to 10 Dec...Yeah!

Work is doubly busy during Oct and November peak period, one of the motivations that keeps me going is looking forward to Dec Taiwan trip!!!

I've watched Aaron's concert in HK for about 5 times (oops, i've lost count!), never did I imagine that I'll be going to catch his Taipei concert!

Afterall, I believe there's a special feeling for Aaron in Taiwan, cos that's the place where he shot to stardom overnight! I really hope to hear him sing more Mandarin songs, which he seldom does during HK and S'pore concerts! I was thrilled to know that he's adding more Mandarin songs to the list....I know it's never enough to fill our 'desires' to hear more....

17 years already.. my Sec school friends were teasing me that I still support him after so many years...for almost 2 decades!!

Guess the passion is already part of my life! I simply enjoy it!

20 October 2008



古印度文 ->华语
南无Namo = 皈依
阿A =
弥陀 Mi Tuo =
佛 Fo = 觉悟





19 October 2008

LoVe, SaNdY 忆一朵出污泥而不染的莲花





Love & Bye, Sandy.......See you again!

11 October 2008


New addition to my butterfly collection........ bought the cushion covers at a shop at Holland Village, Kai Life. 我快变成“蝶痴”了, 哈哈!看到喜欢的蝴蝶物品,就有冲动想买。。。

Nature Trail at Southern Ridges

Went to the Southern Ridges in August.... selected a few pics to share...

Alexandra Arch....

Hort Park with a wide collection of plants...

An unique flower tat resembles butterfly...

This pic feels like winter in S'pore......

My dad with buddy Uncle Simon on the Henderson Wave... Heard tat the night view of the Wave is even better......must visit one day...

28 September 2008


自从5月底开始在新公司上班,每天都面对电脑,所以回家后就比较少用laptop,也减少写部落格的时间。一转眼,我在孔子学院已经工作了4个月了!现在,正期待着12月份到台湾观看城城的演唱会!Yeah!It'll definitely be one of the special events for me to look forward to and to keep me motivated at work too! hehe... :)

11 August 2008

Floral Fest

In all shapes and sizes, taken at Singapore Garden Festival and during Floral Art Class.
I simply love them... pure pleasure just by looking at the beautiful bloom.